Dear Editor,
Normally I only wake up a few times
a year when an issue slams into me like a Mack Truck. Well I was run over Tuesday
night by an ABC “made for TV movie” entitled Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in
America. No movie anymore can be
looked at merely as entertainment but must be evaluated as possible
corporate/government propaganda. ABC, where more people get their news than any
other source, is owned by Disney, the corporate entertainment giant. After the
movie the local and national ABC network “reported” on the possibility of a
“pandemic of avian flu” in
If one researches Avian flu or bird flu on the internet at the Center
for Disease Control (CDC) one finds that there are many strains of this virus
but that none of them including the worst strain H5 has ever been transmitted
from one human to another. There have been several cases where a person was
infected by an avian virus from close contact with the infected birds. Why do
you suppose ABC’s “entertainment” and “news” arms are working together to stir
up the population about something that has never been recorded in human
I am inclined to conclude that some public/private defense laboratory experimenting
with human and avian genetics has already developed a fatal strain that can be
introduced into the human population and transmitted from one person to another
and further, that an antidote or vaccine has also been found which can be used
to contain the flu within selected demographics or individuals. The government
officials in Fatal Contact spoke of the “hard decisions” to be made regarding
what kind of people should receive the limited supply of vaccine and survive the
pandemic? In the movie a state governor says “I will make the tough decisions
because that’s the way we are in
Thanks to novel nano-technology the
government has come up with RFID chips that can be implanted in a person that
will report to the CDC the instant it detects avian flu in the subject’s body. We
should all receive this chip to protect the whole population. What kind of
anti-social pervert would not want to get this implant?
9/11/01 could not happen until the people could accept the idea that Middle
Eastern cave dwellers could high-jack 4 passenger jets, navigate long distances
with pin point accuracy, crash into the Pentagon leaving no jet parts and crash
into both of the twin towers reducing them to rubble and dust and “conventionally
demolish pull or implode” the 47 story Building 7 of the
Ronald F. Avery