Photo showing GBRA's Bull Dozer Track marks on Avery's drive way. |
Photo showing GBRA Dozer track marks continuing down Avery's road. |
Close up of Curb Damage (AREA 1) done by GBRA Dozer. |
Photo of AREAS 1-3 damaged by GBRA Dozers and Heavy Equipment in excess of 75 Feet. |
Another Close up showing GBRA Dozer tracks in dirt leading to broken curb in AREA 1. |
Close up of Curb Damage (AREA 2) done by GBRA Dozer. |
Photo of area of Damage done by GBRA Dozer AREA 3 |
First Close up of more damage in AREA-3 done by GBRA Dozer. |
Second Close up of more damage in AREA-3 done by GBRA Dozer. |
Third Close up of more damage in AREA-3 done by GBRA Dozer. |
Photo showing GBRA Dozer tracks on pavement and overlaping onto concrete gutter. |
Photo of GBRA front end loader in area of curb damage and where it entered Highway 3 easement
and adjacent property. |
Photo showing GBRA front end loader and tire marks on Avery's curbs. |
Photo showing more GBRA dozer tracks on Avery's paving and tire tracks crossing curbs. |
Photo showing the poor method of protecting Avery's curbs used by GBRA contractors.
Avery never gave permission to contractor to damage his property or his curbs. |
Photo showing GBRA dozer tracks crossing concrete curbs and poor protection system and
resulting damage to Avery's curbs. |
Photo showing both GBRA front end loader and Dozer on land adjacent to Avery's. Avery did not
give permission to use his property to clean up adjacent property or adjacent highway easements. |
Photo of GBRA dozer on adjacent land and easements pushing debris towards Avery's land. |
Photo showing more damage done by GBRA dozer to Avery's paving. |
Photo showing areas where GBRA vehicles have crossed Avery's curbs with no protection. |