Please see Jon Roland's website for the actual books online. Many great works of liberty have all their pages printed on line in several formats. You can copy this and paste them for emailing and other uses as long as you footnote the origins of the work. You must see it to believe it at

  1. Citizens Rule Book - Bill of Rights and Jury Handbook - contains the united states Constitution and Declaration of Independence. This is an easy to carry pocket book - Whitten Printers - 602/258-6406, 1001 South Fifth Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004.
  2. The Federalist Letters - Hamilton, Madison, Jay - Edited by Clinton Rossiter, Penguin Books USA Inc. 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014, USA- A complete collection of all letters published in the newspapers to encourage the ratification of the completed united states Constitution.
  3. The Anti-Federalist Papers and Constitutional Convention Debates Edited by Ralph Ketcham, Penguin Books USA Inc. 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014, USA- A collection of all the letters and documents recorded by those who had reservations about the Constitution as it was being drafted.
  4. The Holy Bible - Buy this anywhere.
  5. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Holy Bible.
  6. War And Emergency Powers - by the American Agriculture Movement - Box 130 Campo, Colorado 81029 Order from: 4656 Alta Vista, Dallas Texas 75229
  7. Life Liberty and Property - Charles A. Weisman - Due Process and the Law of the Land - 11751 W. River Hills Dr. #107, Burnsville, Minn. 55337
  8. The Right To Travel - Charles A. Weisman
  9. The American Sovereign - by Brent Emory Johnson - Freedom Bound International c/o 2101 Main Street, Suite 18-1776, Baker City, Oregon state uSA.
  10. When All Else Fails...R.T.D.D. (Read The Damn Directions) - J. Jay Evenson - Survival Force of America 2020 Pennsylvania Ave. NW (Suite 150) Washington, DC 20006
  11. Uncommon Sense - The Real American Manifesto - American West Publishers P.O. Box 3300, Bozeman, MT 59772
  12. The Authority of Law - Charles A. Weisman
  13. The Fourth Reich - Toward An American Police State by Don McAlvany - Southwest Radio Church, P.O. Box 1144 Oklahoma City, OK 73101
  14. Why A Bankrupt America? - by Devvy Kidd - published by Project Liberty P.O. Box 741075, Arvada, Colorado 80006-9075
  15. The Creature from Jekyll Island - A Second Look at the Federal Reserve - by G. Edward Griffin - Published by American Media, P.O. Box 4646, Westlake Village, CA 91359-1646 - this is the exhaustive referrenced document of the history of illegal currency in the United States.
  16. The Christian History of the Constitution of the United States of America - Christian Self-Government Includes John Locke's Second Treatise on Civil Government. by Verna M. Hall, The Foundation for American Christian Education Box 27035, San Francisco, California 94127
  17. America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations by William J. Federer, Fame Publishing, Inc. 820 South MacArthur Blvd., Sutie 105-220, Coppel, Texas 75019-4214 Fax 214/462-9350
  18. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract ed., Maurice Cranston (Penguin Putnam, Inc. 375 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014, USA)
  19. John Locke, John Locke - Two Treatises of Government ed., Peter Laslett (Cambridge University Press, 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA)
  20. Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations (Prometheus Books, 59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst, NY 14228-2197)
  21. Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, The Spirit of the Laws ed., Anne M. Cohler, Basia C. Miller & Harold S. Stone (Cambridge University Press, 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA)
  22. Messages and Papers of the Presidents a compilation by James D. Richardson (Bureau of National Literature, 1911)
  23. Political Sermons of the Founding Era, 1730 - 1805, 2 vol. ed., Ellis Sandos (Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, 1998)
  24. Frederic Bastiat, The Law - The Classic Blueprint For a Just Society (Foundation for Economic Education Irvington-on-Hudson, New York, 1998)
  25. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contracted., Maurice Cranston, (Penguin Putnam Inc., 375 Hudson St. New York, NY 10014 1968)
  26. Algernon Sidney, Discourses Concerning Government ed., Thomas G. West (Liberty Fund Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana 1996)