Dear Editor,
Wednesday is the "National Day of Reconciliation," declared by Congress. I thought about this and wondered
how God might answer our prayers at this time in our history. I hope somebody else can show me a better result
than this one:
Dear America,
Thank you Congress and All citizens of each of the united states of America, I am moved by your great love
for me in making this December 4th, 2001, the National Day of prayer. I had nothing to do today
and was not very interested in your prayers before because you were divided in your land. But now I will listen
to your prayers and will correct all your problems because you have declared this day as the "National Reconciliation Day."
the following to your now "United" nation:
- You may continue to maintain a "federal" standing army for more than two years, in violation or your own law;
- You may continue to allow the "federal government" to use fraudulent paper money as currency, so bankers can
steal all the property, wealth and labor of Americans, in violation of your own law;
- You may continue to allow the infringement upon the people's right to keep and bear arms, in violation of your
own law;
- You may continue to allow the infringement upon the right of the people to express what my own Son has done
for the world;
- You may continue to allow mandates from the "federal government" regarding any thing in public education, in
violation of your own law;
- You may continue to allow the establishment of illegal welfare programs beyond the 8 legal programs mentioned
in Article I Sect. 8 of your own Constitution;
- You may continue to allow the "President" to set the U.S. Constitution aside under conditions of a declared war,
or undeclared war, or any other "emergency" he may think of, in violation of your own law;
- You may continue to place a standing army, National Guard, or militia under internal police agencies, in violation
of your own law, (10th amendment US Constitution);
- You may continue to grant war powers to the "President" without a declaration of war, in violation of your own
aw (Art I Sect.8, US Constitution);
- You may continue to send troops overseas without a declaration of war, in violation of your own law (Art I Sect.8,
US Constitution);
- You may continue to allow the "federal government" to own parks or land outside its 10 square miles in
Washington DC for any purpose it would like in violation of your own law;
- You may establish new ways to break your own laws and forfeit all that your forefathers gave you.
- You may continue to support Israel against "terrorism" and the entire world, if necessary, so that the anti-Christ
may establish his thrown in Israel to harness the whole world under his power.
However, I reserve only one blessing from you. You shall not enter into the presently established Kingdom of
God on Earth without your death, resurrection and ascension with my Son, Christ
Jesus. Nor will I give you rest until you know and understand every law of
liberty that has been established by the blood of your own Christian Forefathers. What else can I do,
to be fair to all?
Sincerely Yours,