Dear Editor,
I received a phone call recently asking if I was happy with George Bush, after I was thanked for all my past contributions to the Republican Party. I said, "No." They said, "You're not? You don't like the way George Bush has united the country? Are you not a Republican any more?" I politely told the caller that it is not Republican policy to send troops over seas without a declaration of war under the U.S. Constitution. I said that the power to raise and command troops placed in the hands of one man was regarded as monarchial power by the founding fathers.
I was also amused at the caller's lack of perception about the unity of the nation. Was it George Bush that united the nation or Bin Laden? It is clear that the caller acknowledged that we were not united prior to 911. But she was not perceptive to know who united it. The only way we could credit George Bush with this is to admit he had something to do with act of 911. I don't believe many are ready for that. But many will say that it is Bush's response that united the nation. I maintain there was a more uniting response - the legal one.
The legal response would have been for congress to declare war on Afghanistan and do exactly what we did anyway without it - destroy the country and install our puppet. Then declare victory and come home for a celebration. But King Bush has raised the armed forces and personally declared war upon mankind's weakness. He has taken the roll of judge, jury and executioner to separate the good from the bad - to set the sheep on the right and the goats on the left through out the whole wide world. This absolute usurpation and global tyranny he calls the "War on Terrorism." He has not only usurped power from the U.S. Congress but also from God in Christ Jesus.
Where are the generals in the military? Where are the George Washington's? Where is a general that would say, "Mr. Bush, as much as I would like to slap the world into acceptance of your vision, I will not command one soldier to take one step, without a full declaration-of-war by the Congress of the People of the United States of America."
Ronald F. Avery