only two years after searching in vain for Jesus - see link below. A letter will soon appear here to proceed this link.
Reparations for Slavery plays a part in the legal plunder of the United States.
When Gary L. Bauer, Christian leader that ran for President, is challenged on mid east he calls opposition heresy.
Can we pray and expect to be granted for that which we cannot express? What do we pray for?
Is paranoia a chemical imbalance or a natural suspicion induced by government activity?
Do we surrender our liberty the instant a government says, "War Power" time? Is there such a thing as "War Power" under the
U.S. Constitution?
Christian want-to-be Jews - the old way.
This exchange is revealing of how America will not "ENDURE FREEDOM." It is a story of how ignorance of laws of the land make
criminals of the innocent and heros of the usurpers and tyrants. This indicates that hate will breakout at home as it did over Vietnam.
This is a letter to my friend, who believes that we are right in all we are doing all over the World in the name of fighting "terrorism."